Sunday, June 3, 2012

Blank Pages...

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 28; the 28th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is 'BLANK PAGES'.


...Is what the teachers who checked my examination papers had to put up with, more often than not...

PS - The copy pasted code at the TOP and BOTTOM of the post seem like the printed instructions on the answer sheet!!!!
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


  1. Ha ha ha. DS, you are getting more creative by the day.

  2. Very smart take on the topic :)

  3. the most original entry, i think :D

  4. Wow! DS! You take the cake (or the batom) this time:)

  5. Hilarious!!! I was waiting for someone to talk about a blank exam answer sheet!

    Kudos for the creativity and for putting a smile on your readers's faces! :D

  6. I think this is fun.. a humorous take, and I can relate :P But what we used to do was write the starting, the ending & then fill the middle part with lyrics of movie songs.. (the Hindi exam paper btw). Our teacher used to check length of answer, so seeing 3 pages answer, he used to give full marks ;)

    You made me smile.. thanks!

  7. Hehe :P very funny. but i never submitted a blank paper in an exam!! hope it doesnt change for me in college though! :P

  8. Funny One ha ha ha....Once during my engineering exams they gave us a graph sheet. Only then did I relaize that we need to draw a graph to arrive at the result and I simply brought it back with me :D

  9. Hehe..hilarious one..Exam papers and blank pages..most creative entry in BAT

  10. Welcome to BAT DS!
    And what a start, what a creative start if I may say so :D

    Good luck!

  11. Welcome to Blog-a-Ton DS! I loved your entry man.. :-) Have fun!

    Someone is Special

  12. HHHHHahahahaha!! THAT was amazing!! I went BLANK for a minute or so :P COOL! Keep kicking ;)

    Cheers!!! do stop by my blog, Kappu

  13. Have you used some kind of invisible ink? In that case, I can call Harry Potter and his friends.

    Or is it really blank? :-)

  14. Indeed very witty :) I was wondering where the post was :P

  15. That is really intelligent post. Superb expression of emotions of a true writer and more true student..:D!

  16. Ha! that was creative! A refreshing read after reading all those technical blogs out there. Going to check out your other threads right away.

    Sorry to see that your threads at Indiblogger were deleted. This childish nonsense is exactly the why I quit as the mod last year, many did.


Welcome. Write a comment. Make my day :)